"My Dream Can" Program

"My Dream Can" Program

Announcing the launch of "My Dream Can" Educational Program by Dr Tererai Trent

by Dr Tererai Trent
Post date: 27 July, 2016

With the vision to inspire diverse populations of children across the globe to dare to dream big, Dr. Tererai Trent has launched the “My Dream Can” Educational Program to promote literacy as well as social and emotional development in school children.

Dr. Trent believes every student deserves to learn deeply, and as educators, we can support whole systems to transform learning by supporting the emotional and physical needs of a child, inspiring them to want to learn, make a positive impact and grasp opportunities that will lead to their success.

Read Dr Trent's full blog of 16 July 2016 http://tereraitrent.org/my-dream-can-program

Dr Trent is a Keynote Speaker at worldwomen17