

“We want to be a catalyst for women being inspired to manifest amazing outcomes and to create meaningful change in the world.”

worldwomen17 was an incredible event and we felt, and experienced, how powerful and strong women can be as a group. Our aim to create joy, enthusiasm, solidarity and compassion was felt as the audience was deeply moved by listening to the wisdom from all of our speakers and together we experienced feelings of unity and support that was unlike any other event.

Our aim to not be paralysed when we look at the state of the world, as we love this world, we are grateful for our lives and we want to communicate this with other women was expressed during the three days of worldwomen17

Love, compassion and joy are wonderful tools to start initiating a movement that works for us and it is so much more rewarding than the energy of fighting against others, who prevent us from being “whole”. 

Listening and sharing with other women stimulated us and, from all the great feedback, all those that joined us.

Outcomes of worldwomen17:

To launch SheEO in New Zealand  
We have over 370 women already indicating they wish to be activators and have decided to cut off subscription at 500 so we can get going.  If you want to be an activator please follow this link to register. 

Pay Equity 
Women are getting paid less because they are women.  And it’s not getting any better. 
Let’s not wait another 100 years!  We should each do everything we can to support this initiative.  Contact your local MP, write, blog, speak about the matter. It will not change unless women raise their voices. See a recent article by Theresa (Dominion Post)

Cambodia Charitable Trust
Denise continues to receive amazing support for the Cambodia Charitable Trust (CCT) as a result of worldwomen17 .  Aside from the many girls, libraries and bikes sponsored at the event, a further 48 girls have been sponsored as a result of the event.

Dr Tererai Trent
We are delighted to let you know that the worldwomen team is working on The 5th Dream with Tererai Trent to fund a project that will bring opportunities for jobs, income and education for women and children in rural Zimbabwe. We will keep you up to date and would love you to help activate this dream.  Tererai’s new book, The Awakened Woman: Remembering & Reigniting Our Sacred Dreams, is due for release on October 3rd.  You can pre-order it here.

Some of us come from an "activist" background: fighting AGAINST different systems that either harm the environment or interfere with our dreams of a just world. Being an activist consumes quite a lot of energy, can get us in trouble with the side we are opposing and invokes negative emotions like anger, rage, entitlement etc.

On the other side, as activators we do something FOR ourselves, FOR the world and FOR our communities. We do something to encourage other people to join our dreams and we relentlessly work FOR our bigger hunger.  This involves us thinking about what we want FOR ourselves. Caring about how we feel in certain situations and whether we would like to live in a world as it presents it to us at the moment. If we do not like it, we can start to do something small for the betterment any given moment. We improve our self-worth as we can see change we initiate or contribute towards.  It is not about changing the world in one go ... but changing your attitude towards things.  Never ever feel alone and isolated.  Reach out and trust that support is there. 

We hope we have inspired many of the women who attended worldwomen17 ;to become an activator, in whatever way they choose.

All the best - Nā mātou

Barbara, Theresa, Chris & Lindy



Speakers at this event

Distinguished as Oprah Winfrey’s “All-Time Favorite Guest”.
Entrepreneur, award-winning mentor and Founder of SheEO.
Physician, Author, Speaker and Coach
Lawyer and founder of the Cambodia Charitable Trust.
Associate Professor and leading kaupapa Māori educator, researcher.
Leading New Zealand business personality, author, philanthropist.
Founder Agri-Women's Development Trust, Speaker, Writer
Much sought after practitioner, teacher and speaker in the ground breaking work around intuitive healing.


ANZ Viaduct Events Centre Auckland, New Zealand